I would have given this doctor a zero but I couldn't publish this unless I gave him at least a one. I have an extensive medical history and have seen many doctors. These include heart, lungs, infectious disease, urology, cancer, kidney, spleen and gall bladder, amputative, orthopedic, hemotology and pain doctors to name a few. Doctor Yuri Tsirulnikov is the absolute worst doctor I have ever encountered out of all of these. He suggested taking me off of my pain medication and giving me a medication that I am deathly alergic to. This medication is on my alergy list as a medicine that acts like a poison in my system and will put me into acute renal failure, coma and death unless I am given injections to counteract it and dopamine to try to bring my blood pressure up. My organs will shut down to the point that my liver cannot break down a simple Tylenol pill and the pain from it is horrific. He suggested that I was lying about this and stated that he had never heard of anyone being alergic to this drug with a laugh and a smirk on his face. The drug is called buprenorphine and it is NO joke or laughing matter that I have an anaphylaxis alergy to it. He also told me that I had to stop taking a medication that is more harmful for me to NOT take. He also kept interupting me and shaking his head while writing something on paper, and I will ask for these records later because that is my right and it states so in the code of ethics. It is my opinion that this man does NOT have my best interest at heart and that in itself goes against the code of ethics. It is also in my opinion that this doctor has anger issues and cannot remain objective with his patients. I need a doctor who will work WITH me, not against me. This doctor's mentality scares the life out of me and caused me to have a major panic attack after I had a chance to entirely process his interactions with me the day of my visit with him. Futhermore, he had me sit in front of him naked from the waist down during the entire appointment and did a "physical examination" without another female nurse in the office with us. I refuse to be treated by this man again and intend to file a formal complaint on him besides acquiring everything that he added to my medical record, including his hand written notes on me.
I would have given this doctor a zero but I couldn't publish this unless I gave him at least a one. I have an extensive medical history and have seen many doctors. These include heart, lungs, infectious disease, urology, cancer, kidney, spleen and gall bladder, amputative, orthopedic, hemotology and pain doctors to name a few. Doctor Yuri Tsirulnikov is the absolute worst doctor I have ever encountered out of all of these. He suggested taking me off of my pain medication and giving me a medication that I am deathly alergic to. This medication is on my alergy list as a medicine that acts like a poison in my system and will put me into acute renal failure, coma and death unless I am given injections to counteract it and dopamine to try to bring my blood pressure up. My organs will shut down to the point that my liver cannot break down a simple Tylenol pill and the pain from it is horrific. He suggested that I was lying about this and stated that he had never heard of anyone being alergic to this drug with a laugh and a smirk on his face. The drug is called buprenorphine and it is NO joke or laughing matter that I have an anaphylaxis alergy to it. He also told me that I had to stop taking a medication that is more harmful for me to NOT take. He also kept interupting me and shaking his head while writing something on paper, and I will ask for these records later because that is my right and it states so in the code of ethics. It is my opinion that this man does NOT have my best interest at heart and that in itself goes against the code of ethics. It is also in my opinion that this doctor has anger issues and cannot remain objective with his patients. I need a doctor who will work WITH me, not against me. This doctor's mentality scares the life out of me and caused me to have a major panic attack after I had a chance to entirely process his interactions with me the day of my visit with him. Futhermore, he had me sit in front of him naked from the waist down during the entire appointment and did a "physical examination" without another female nurse in the office with us. I refuse to be treated by this man again and intend to file a formal complaint on him besides acquiring everything that he added to my medical record, including his hand written notes on me.