I sent one daughter her and I'm about to send another. It's very close to my home and inexpensive. The are a low budget business that looks like it may be a family type business. They are not high quality by any means but they teach what has to be taught and give the state class tests. School teaches the law, then parents are to teach which I do for a year. No school teaches the kids until they are ready. Driving is serious and should be taken seriously. The school is merely the part that the parents can't do.
I sent one daughter her and I'm about to send another. It's very close to my home and inexpensive. The are a low budget business that looks like it may be a family type business. They are not high quality by any means but they teach what has to be taught and give the state class tests. School teaches the law, then parents are to teach which I do for a year. No school teaches the kids until they are ready. Driving is serious and should be taken seriously. The school is merely the part that the parents can't do.