Yesterday Cathy's plan was to go check out the new Fred Meyer. Thinking that I pretty well had a handle on picking out the correct food, it was really fun to walk along side of Cathy and get some really helpful hints, either something new or confirmation of a food product I already was using or knew about. Usually I run in and get just what I need but to stroll the aisles and look for the good items was a real treat. It was a very beneficial experience. Fun to watch Cathy take notes on it all. Appreciate Cathy's knowledge on the subject of food and how to best benefit my eating habits.
Yesterday Cathy's plan was to go check out the new Fred Meyer. Thinking that I pretty well had a handle on picking out the correct food, it was really fun to walk along side of Cathy and get some really helpful hints, either something new or confirmation of a food product I already was using or knew about. Usually I run in and get just what I need but to stroll the aisles and look for the good items was a real treat. It was a very beneficial experience. Fun to watch Cathy take notes on it all. Appreciate Cathy's knowledge on the subject of food and how to best benefit my eating habits.