Giving them a 1 is pushing it! My service traction control light flashed on & off last week. I scheduled a diagnostic with them. By the time my appt rolled around everything was fine. The guy seemed frustrated I no longer wanted diagnostic test. I opted for an alignment, which was needed & then there was no time wasted. When I picked my vehicle up it felt funny right away but I figured maybe it was because the alignment. Within an hour my service traction control light was back on then the service stabilitrak light turned on then the check engine light! Right after it started making a ticking noise under the hood! None of those things were even wrong when I dropped it off. The service light flashed on for a few minutes a week before. I am beyond upset, I’m scared to even drive it! I DO NOT RECOMMEND taking your vehicle for service here!
Giving them a 1 is pushing it! My service traction control light flashed on & off last week. I scheduled a diagnostic with them. By the time my appt rolled around everything was fine. The guy seemed frustrated I no longer wanted diagnostic test. I opted for an alignment, which was needed & then there was no time wasted. When I picked my vehicle up it felt funny right away but I figured maybe it was because the alignment. Within an hour my service traction control light was back on then the service stabilitrak light turned on then the check engine light! Right after it started making a ticking noise under the hood! None of those things were even wrong when I dropped it off. The service light flashed on for a few minutes a week before. I am beyond upset, I’m scared to even drive it! I DO NOT RECOMMEND taking your vehicle for service here!